Join us for dinner for an engaging keynote speech & to learn first hand from experiences shared by our community organizations… Dinner Provided!!
Keynote: Levi Foy – Executive Director of Sunshine House
Requested donation items:
Winnipeg Harvest – Harvest items
Rainbow Resource Centre – Dark roast pre-ground coffee (not instant!)
New Directions – Individual-sized toiletries
Siloam Mission –
Immigrant Centre Manitoba – Containers for food, pens, notebooks, pencils and pencil sharpeners
Bear Clan Patrol Inc. – Toques, gloves, scarves, socks, hand/foot warmers, granola bars, juice boxes
Siloam Mission (Exit Up!) – Bus tickets
Society for Manitobans with Disabilities – Items for United Way – Clothing, food, etc.
Women’s Health Clinic – Maxi pads for postpartum women (larger and overnights), board books with inclusive representation