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Annual MMSA Awards Deadline

MMSA Citizenship Award Supporting Documents Included: Completed Application Form Letter of Nomination Personal letter (maximum 500 words outlining 5 most relevant achievements) Curriculum Vitae (up-to-date, 5-pages Max.) MMSA Katherine Anne Klassen Community Award Supporting Documents Included: Completed Application Form, Letter...

DEADLINE | The 2024 CMHF Award for Medical Students

The CMHF Award for Medical Students recognizes medical students with an established track record of community leadership, superior communication skills and demonstrated interest in advancing knowledge. The criteria are available on the website: CMHF Award for Medical Students. Please note...

MED 2: Canadian Medical Hall of Fame Award Application Deadline

CRITERIA Must be a medical student in good standing completing second year of study or beginning clerkship the following semester Demonstrated leadership through school involvement and/or community-based volunteer projects or extracurricular activities Superior interpersonal and communication skills Academic excellence with...

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