MMSA Meeting

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

MMSA council meeting, all MMSA members are welcome to attend!

Understanding the Umbrella

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

In honour of national coming out day (October 11) we will be hosting a introduction to all things queer. We will go through the basics of terminology, as well some coming out stories and things you as a future doctor...


Introduction to Medical Student Research

Theatre A

Attend a presentation and Q and A from two speakers on the importance of research in medicine, and how to write an effective research proposal.



Theatre B


Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Rural Resident Exposure Program (Med 2) What: Matches interested Med 2s to a rural community and rural residents/docs to learn more about rural medicine in a smaller group / one-to-one experience. When: October 18-19 (for most communities), October 25-26 (for...


FMIG Q&A Booth


The Family Medicine Interest Group will be hosting a Q&A booth in front of the library to answer all your questions about family medicine! We will have PGY-1 resident Dr. Mindy Eklove to answer your questions, as well as cupcakes...


Suture Clinic

Skills Lab (Theatre D)

Come for an hour of suturing taught by our expert residents!  We will be randomly selecting 40 of the students who RSVP. -Pizza @ 5:30pm, BMS 219-221 -Theater D 6:00-7:00pm


CBS Blood Typing & Donor Registration

Brodie atrium 727 McDermot Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Join Canadian Blood Services anytime between 12-1PM in the Brodie Atrium on Friday, October 25th to receive more information on the blood donation process, have your blood typed, and/or register to be a donor! Pizza will be served!


Specialist Night

Joe Doupe Concourse 727 McDermot Ave, Winnipeg

Come to this round table style dinner with rural specialists so you can ask your questions one-on-one!

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