Peds Interest Group Bake Sale


Holiday-themed bake sale put on my the Peds Interest Group as a fundraiser for Children's Hospital charity.

CaRMS Interview Training Day

To help current 4th year students prepare for their upcoming interviews, Doctors Manitoba and the Canadian Medical Association will be hosting the 3rd annual CaRMS Interview Training Day on Saturday January 7, 2017. Residents who have experienced the interview process...


GHCP Group A

Theatre C

January 10 at 12:00pm-1:00pm

IMIG Skills Night

Theatre D (Skills Lab)

Food at 5pm with skills to follow! Come learn new procedures such as  thoracentesis, paracentesis, lumbar puncture, joint injections. Location is Theater D.


Peer Wellness Support Group

Apotex 069

Topic: Postive Self Talk Facilitator: Hongru Ren Room: Apotex Centre 069


Wellness Challenge Month – Nutrition Week

A month-long program targeted at fostering positive habits in the daily activities of medical students. In teams, participants will complete challenges focused on a different pillar of wellness each week. Throughout the month, there are daily and weekly challenges centered on four themes:...

GHCP Group B

Theatre B

January 16 at 1:00pm-2:00pm

Stem Cell Donor Information Session and Testing

Theatre B

Come learn about stem cell donation. We also offer free swabbing if you wish to be added to the National donor registry run by Canadian Blood Services.

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