IMIG Skills Night – Physical Exam


IMIG will be hosting a Physical Exam Skills Night on Tuesday November 22nd, from 5:30-7:30 PM in the CLSF. Food will be served just outside of the CLSF at 5:00. The event is open to all Med Students.

Date A Surgeon 2016

Joe Doupe Concourse 727 McDermot Ave, Winnipeg

Ready ... Set ... DATE! Our marquee event of the year happens every Fall term with great food, great company and exciting topics. Sit down with surgeons from different specialties associated with the University of Manitoba. The evening includes multiple...


EMIG Skills/ Procedures Night

Theatre B

On November 23, 2016, EMIG will be hosting a skills/procedure night at 5-8pm. The event will start in Theatre B and will continue in CLSF for skills demonstrations and clinical scenarios. Food will be provided for this event.  

Living on the Edge: A Poverty Simulation Night

Brodie Centre Atrium 727 McDermot Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

This is a unique poverty simulation put on by the Manitoba Psychiatric Association in conjunction with the United Way. Given the work that we do, this is an important experience that can help us relate to our patients, no matter...

Surgical Approaches to Epilepsy

Apotex 069

The Medical Technology Interest Group is pleased to host Dr. Demitre Serletis for a brown-bagger talk about the spectrum of surgical approaches to epilepsy.  Please sign up with your email on the attached Google sheet, so that we can estimate...

Bridging Professional Health Care Careers Conference – Mentorship day!

CAHE - 1st floor Chown Building A101 - 753 McDermot Ave

A Saturday of food, fun, and networking for Indigenous students! Come out for an opportunity to connect with other Indigenous students from all health colleges, Indigenous undergraduate students and ACCESS members, as well as Indigenous faculty members. Presentations include remarks...

LGBTTQI* Mentorship Group

Next LGBTTQI* Mentorship Group event is Dec 1st at 7pm. Contact Tharuna (Rooney Maya) or myself at for details! Reminder: The MG provides a safe and confidential environment for LGBTTQI* identified or questioning medical students, residents and physicians. Separate...

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