Latest Past Events

Dying with Dignity Canada Presentation


The Anesthesia Interest Group is excited to announce our first event of the year, a presentation by Dying with Dignity Canada! The presentation will be at 5:30 pm on November 14th on Zoom. Find more info on the poster!

Choosing Wisely + Infectious Diseases Q&A’s

Theater E

Hey all, Choosing Wisely & Infectious Disease Interest Group are hosting a joint event on Nov 14th (Thursday) at 12pm in Theatre E. Come down and listen to Dr. Terry Wurtz give a talk on antibiotic stewardship. There will be...

IDIG: Antimicrobial Stewardship Talk

Theatre E Winnipeg

IDIG and Choosing Wisely will be hosting a talk by Dr. Terry Wuerz this Thursday, Nov. 14 at 12 pm in theatre E! Dr. Wuerz will be talking about antimicrobial stewardship, a really critical concept regardless of what specialty we...

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