Pediatric Interest Group Skills Night

BMS 213-217

The Pediatric Interest Group is hosting a skills night on April 19th, from 5:30 - 7:30 pm! Residents will be teaching us various skills in BMS rooms. Examples of stations include lumbar puncture, intubation, and IV.  Possible simulations include running a peds...

Pediatric Clerkship panel

The Pediatric Interest Group is hosting a clerkship panel, where 4th year med students and residents speak about their experiences during the pediatric clerkship rotation.  This is a great opportunity to get some insight into clerkship and to seek advice...

Date-A-Pediatrician Night

Join us for PIG’s biggest event of the year! An evening of dinner and conversation with Pediatricians of all specialties!


Pediatric Clerkship Panel

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The Pediatric Interest Group is hosting a clerkship panel, where 4th year med students and residents speak about their experiences during the pediatric clerkship rotation.  This is a great opportunity to get some insight into clerkship and to seek advice...


Pediatrics Skills Night and Resident Talk

Skills Lab (Theatre D)

We will start the evening with the chief residents speaking about their experience with the U of M paediatrics residency program. After dinner and the short talk, we will learn and practice some pediatrics skills including otoscopy, lumbar puncture, approach...


Dinner with Pediatricians

Joe Doupe Concourse 727 McDermot Ave, Winnipeg

The Pediatrics Interest Group is hosting its first event of the year: Dinner with Pediatricians. Come join us for an engaging dinner with Pediatricians from many subspecialties. The evening will take be in the small group discussion format and will...


Pediatrics Resident Skills Zoom Talk: Strengthening Skills on the Ward

Online London

An opportunity to learn and improve on skills for pediatric wards during clerkship years. Residents will go through skills and speak on their experience in residency. We welcome all students from M1 to M4. Additionally, can serve as an opportunity...


Pediatricians Meet N’ Greet


Opportunity for students to meet various pediatricians and find out more about their specialities. Additional details to follow and will be posted in each year's (M1 + M2) class groups.


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