Hi all, Please join me in welcoming and congratulating the MMSA Council Elected for the 2018-2019 Academic Year. Our official handover will happen mid-late April but over the next month, we will start transitioning responsibility. Senior Stick: Christopher Briggs – briggsc4@myumanitoba.ca Vice Stick…
Tag: elections
Come out and listen to the candidates discuss their platforms!
CFMS Representative Jr. Election
We’re excited to announce the election of the 2018-2018 MMSA Council! There were numerous competitive races, with over 25 students nominated for positions, and over 50% voter turnout. Without further ado: Senior Stick: Gurmeet Sohi Honorary Senior Stick: Dr. William…
As medical students residing in Manitoba, we are all eligible to vote in the CMA Election for the President Elect Nominee. We reached out to the candidates and asked them to answer the following questions. Their responses and platforms are…
We’re very proud to announce that our very own Gurmeet Sohi has been elected as one of the two CFMS Western Representatives. Alongside Laura Kim (from UBC), Gurmeet will join the Canadian Federation of Medical Students Executive Council to represent…