EMIG & IMIG Procedures Night

Theatre D Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Join EMIG & IMIG on Wednesday, January 29th as we collaborate to present Procedures Skills Night! Learn from Emergency and Internal Med Docs on how to perform various procedures. The event will offer 4 different procedural stations which include: 1)...

IMIG: Skills Night #3

Theatre D Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The Internal Medicine Interest Group & Geriatric Interest Group presents a collaborative event, Geriatric Pearls Skills Night! We will be covering polypharmacy,  dementia syndromes, delirium vs dementia, and adverse drug event prescribing cascades. Dinner from Deluca's!!! Food will be provided...


IMIG: Skills Night #2

Theatre D Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The Internal Medicine Interest Group presents Chest X-Ray Skills Night! With Dr. Jacob leading the session, learn a systematic approach to reading Chest X-Rays and how to recognize common presentations! Kindly funded by the ACP. Food will be provided at...


IMIG: Skills Night #1

Theatre D Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The Internal Medicine Interest Group presents Common Infectious Disease Presentations - Use of Stanford/antibiograms for correct ABx choice! With Dr. Jacob leading the session, learn how to manage common infections on the wards and practice antibiotic stewardship in a world...


IMIG Skills Night #5

Theatre D Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

New year new IBD! Come out to our event to learn about Inflammatory Bowel Disease - sit and squirm as we cover haptic endoscopy, extraintestinal manifestations, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Kindly funded by the ACP. Food will be provided...


Neurology Skills Night

Theatre D Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Come join us for a skills night in neurology! Hone your physical examination skills and ace your OSCE! The session will be led by neurology residents and attendings and will include practicing skills such as cranial nerve exams, reflexes, cerebellar...


IMIG Skills Night #4

Theatre D Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Time to learn more procedures! We have a plethora of pokey pastimes: thoracentesis, paracentesis, lumbar puncture and joint injections. Kindly funded by the ACP. Food will be provided at 5pm, event starts at 5:30! If you are no longer able...


IMIG Skills Night #3

Theatre D Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Learn how to recognize and manage endocrine emergencies! Remember undergrad physiology where feedback loops and hormones were the terror to all? After this night, you'll be the terror of the ward! Kindly funded by the ACP. Food will be provided...


Suture Clinic

Theatre D Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Come for an hour of suturing taught by our expert residents!  We will be accepting the first 24 students who RSVP. -Pizza in BMS 215/217 @ 5:30pm -Theater D 6:00-7:00pm


Suture Clinic

Theatre D Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Come for an hour of suturing taught by our expert residents!  We will be accepting the first 24 students who RSVP. -Pizza in BMS 215/217 @ 5:30pm -Theater D 6:00-7:00pm

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