Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Medicine – Live Q & A


Q & A held over Zoom for the medical innovation and entrepreneurship interest group. 2 speakers will answer a set of questions regarding their journey through medicine and entrepreneurship within their respective fields.

OSCE FAQ Session


Meeting presented by the new Healthcare Competencies Interest Group Zoom meeting

Anesthesia Residents Q&A


Q&A session with a number of Anesthesia residents working in Winnipeg, to allow students a greater understanding of the field and what doctors enjoy about working in it.


Alternative Career Paths in Medicine Night: MD+MBA


The Medical Entrepreneurship and Innovation Interest Group (MEIIG) is hosting two speakers who are both MD's and also have MBA training that has allowed them to become a hospital administrator and a business founder! This is an exciting look at...

Orthopaedic Surgery Interest Group – Areas in Orthopaedics


Hear from doctors and residents about their areas of interest, day-to-day practice, why they chose orthopaedic surgery, and ask any questions that you may have! Featuring joint replacement surgeon Dr. David Hedden, and orthopaedic surgery resident Dr. Andrew Fast. This...

Surgery and Global Health Panel


Join the MMSA Global Health Portfolio and the Surgical Student Interest Group in a panel discussion with speakers in experience with global surgery. Dr. Melanie Morris, a pediatric surgeon and the head of the Winnipeg Global Surgery Office, will be...

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