What’s in your Kit? Building First-Aid Kits for Wilderness Trips

204 Brodie

Wilderness Medicine Interest Group's first event of the year! In this session we will be looking at that one piece of equipment essential for any wilderness trip - First Aid Kits. Whether you are canoeing across the country for two...


Addictions in the Medical Field

Theatre C

The Addiction Education Group and the Psychiatric Interest Group are teaming up to host a lunch time talk on addictions in the medical field. The rate of addiction is high amongst physicians. Come learn from an addiction specialist as well...


Alzheimer Society Lunch Time Talk

Theater B

Representatives from the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba will be giving a talk on the programs and services that they provide for individuals living with Alzheimer's disease here in Manitoba. A family member will also be sharing a personal story about...


Rural Specialist Night

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Considering a career as a specialist? Interested in rural medicine? Who says you can't do both? Sign up for the Rural Interest Group Specialist Dinner and have the opportunity to mingle with a variety of specialist docs who practice their...


Suture Clinic

Theatre D Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Come for an hour of suturing taught by our expert residents!  We will be accepting the first 24 students who RSVP. -Pizza in BMS 215/217 @ 5:30pm -Theater D 6:00-7:00pm


Choosing Wisely Intro Event

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Come learn about resource stewardship from the Choosing Wisely Manitoba team! Sarah Kirby, from the Centre for Healthcare Innovation and a leader in Choosing Wisely Manitoba, will be speaking and students will also have a chance to work through some...


IMIG Skills Night #3

Theatre D Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Learn how to recognize and manage endocrine emergencies! Remember undergrad physiology where feedback loops and hormones were the terror to all? After this night, you'll be the terror of the ward! Kindly funded by the ACP. Food will be provided...


Sport Medicine Lunch Talk

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Dr. Neil Craton will be coming to this lunch time talk to tell us about a career in Sport Medicine, the fellowship program, as well as some of his own experiences in this profession. Lunch will be provided for those...


Obs/Gyn Skills night

BMS 216-218

Come out to OGIG's first skills night of the year to talk to the residents about what it's like to be in Obstetrics and Gynecology! Some of the skills that we will be learning include pelvic exams, suturing and learning...

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