Pediatrics Resident Skills Zoom Talk: Strengthening Skills on the Ward

Online London

An opportunity to learn and improve on skills for pediatric wards during clerkship years. Residents will go through skills and speak on their experience in residency. We welcome all students from M1 to M4. Additionally, can serve as an opportunity...


Path to Derm w/Dr. Afifi


DIG presents Path to Derm! Dr. Tarek Afifi, a Dermatologist based here in Winnipeg at HSC, will be giving a talk on Zoom on October 19th from 6 – 7:30pm. He will be sharing his experiences and knowledge re: His...


RIG Specialist Night


Tune in to learn more about how specialists function in the rural environment! Small breakout room sessions with 10 of Manitoba's rural specialists.


MBA in Med Talk


Dr. Aaron Chiu will present a talk about the advantages of having a combined MBA/ MD degree, and the opportunities that follow. He will discuss why he completed a MBA, the process of getting the degree, and how it has...


Meet the Residents!


Are you interested in Family Medicine? Then this event is just for you! Family Medicine Interest Group is hosting our first event: Meet the Residents! There will be a panel of residents in family medicine who will share their journey...


Geriatrics Interest Group Alzheimer’s Society Talk


One of GIG's favourite events is back this year! Come listen to a talk from the Alzheimer Society on what their program offers, as well as how COVID-19 has impacted individuals living with Dementia. Also a special appearance by Elizabeth...


Public Health Residency Talk

Online London

Senior resident Shilpa Loewen will be presenting plus 1 or 2 other residents. Topics include: overview of pub health residency program, what a day in the life looks like, job opportunities etc. With prizes!


An Introduction to Choosing Wisely Manitoba: Limiting Low Value Care in MB


Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 846 1298 3794 Passcode: CWMB One tap mobile 8557038985,,84612983794# Canada Toll-free Dial by your location         855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free Meeting ID: 846 1298 3794


Pediatricians Meet N’ Greet


Opportunity for students to meet various pediatricians and find out more about their specialities. Additional details to follow and will be posted in each year's (M1 + M2) class groups.

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