Tag: mentorship

Join us for a fun and informative night with vascular surgeon Dr. April Boyd! Dr. Boyd will highlight different vascular surgery procedures, her journey to become a vascular surgeon, some interesting patient cases, and an opportunity to ask her any…

Join us for an engaging evening of networking with doctors from diverse pediatric specialties, including general pediatrics, oncology, nephrology, surgery, adolescent medicine, and more! Connect with inspiring professionals, gain valuable insights into career paths, and enjoy a delicious pizza dinner…

Hosted by the University of Manitoba Ophthalmology Club (UMOC). The event will give medical students the opportunity to network with several current ophthalmology residents and ask them any questions that come to mind, such as questions about their daily schedule…

Welcome to one of the MWIG mentorship evening events with female identifying students to connect with female physicians! This event will be spent with Dr. Lisa Omichinski, an emergency room physician here in Winnipeg. Dr. Omichinski will speak about her…

Welcome to one of the MWIG mentorship evening events with female identifying students to connect with female physicians! This event will be spent with Dr. Fabiana Postolow, a neonatologist here in Winnipeg who works in the NICU. Dr. Postolow will…

MANITOBA MEDICAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION TEACHING AWARDS 2017/2018 Med 1 Awards Med 1 Award for Inspiration: Dr. George Zhanel Med 1 Award for Innovation: Dr. Clarence Khoo Med 1 Award for Mentorship: Dr. Ian Whetter Best Med 1 Teaching in Small Group: Dr….

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