The Postl Post – Notes From May 14

Members of the MMSA Council were thrilled to meet with Dr. Postl in an informal meeting on the morning of May 14th.

Topics covered in this meeting included security changes at Bannatyne campus, upcoming health and wellness improvements, and issues such as decreased CaRMS match percentage, and increasing university fees for the coming semester. The MMSA Council brought up topics such as increased research opportunities for students, and elective hours. Dr. Postl proposed quarterly meetings with the MMSA Council in order to increase information sharing.

Please find a brief summary of meeting contents below. For full notes, please contact Kristen Braun (

[acc-trig title=”Announcements Made by Dr. Postl”]


  • Security

    Student concerns are being taken into account in regards to security on Bannatyne Campus. Changes currently being made include increased lighting in outdoor areas, additional indoors security cameras, and the Safe Ride Program.

  • Health and Wellness

    Dr. Postl emphasized his support for improving student’s mental and physical health by enacting real change within the college. Students will doubtless be pleased to know that a health clinic (specifically for students!) is planned to open January 2019 in the pathology building. Additional mention was made of improvements in availability and variety of food in the Brodie Atrium. Learner mistreatment was a key topic of conversation, and there is continued interest in improving the reporting process.

  • National Topics

    Concern was expressed over the increasing number of unmatched medical graduates nation wide. Special mention was made of the University of Manitoba’s unique program that allows multiple match iterations in order to increase placement.

  • General

    Dr. Postl proposed quarterly meetings with the MMSA Executive in order to increase information sharing and review accreditation process. Additionally, the increase of 6.7% in University of Manitoba tuition fees was discussed.



[acc-trig title=”Discussion Raised by MMSA Exec”]


  • Research Opportunities

    The reduction in Med 2 research projects, and prioritization of the BSc Med program was discussed, along with the possibility of additional avenues in which students may be able to find research exposure opportunities. Suggestions by the council included additional structured research throughout Med 3 and 4, as well as a forum in which researchers can advertise opportunities for students.

  • Electives Slots

    The University of Manitoba has a relatively low number of elective hours throughout clerkship. Many MMSA members advocated for additional elective hours, with the time being re-allocated from courses such as Consolidation or Transition to Clerkship.

  • Career Planning Opportunities

    Council members suggested that mandatory career planning workshops begin earlier on in medical education, with focus on CaRMS preparation and CV writing.



Kristen Braun

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